In the late 1700s, Captain James Cook of the sailing ship Endeavor had the ambition to not only sail farther than anyone had gone before, but to go as far as it was possible for a man to go. Captain Cook was an explorer who pushed the limits. It was his way of life.
The Positive Channel has the ambition to explore the world of positive thinking, and to take it as far as it's possible to go. It's our goal to become the definitive source for positive thinking on the world wide web. It's where you come when you want to learn more about positive thinking.
The envelope of possibility is exceedingly large, and your beliefs determine the size of that envelope. On a personal level, the envelope of possibility is as big as you believe it to be. Possibility is a dynamic thing that changes with your beliefs.
The Positive Channel believes if you are going to doubt anything, you should doubt your limits.
If you want to break through your limits and push your mind in a positive direction, you are at the right place.
Be sure to sign up for our Free Positive Newsletters and receive a short inspirational and motivational message each week in your inbox.
Dr. Dave - Positive Thinking Doctor
You don't need a brain transplant to get a new way of thinking and feeling. It's much cheaper and more effective to read Dr. Dave's eBooks and fill your mind with positive things.
When you need a little inspiration, check out positive sailgrams. More inspiration is available in our meme storage facility on Instagram.
Two things are extemely difficult to accomplish in life. The first is to think an entirely original thought. The second is to encounter an absolute limit beyond which it is impossible to go.
If you want to make your dreams come true, there is only one way to make it happen. You have to be all in. Be all in or get all out. Anything less is a waste of time.
Muhammad Ali said, “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
Dr. Dave has written five books that you need to have in your mind. The five books together are called the Positive Life Series which is available on Amazon in kindle format. This is your opportunity to change the way you think and feel about who you are, and what you can do with your life. Isn't it about time that you had a positive life?
Social media has become unsocial. It has degenerated into a truth optional war zone in which people take sides. They draw lines in the sand, and if you are on the wrong side of their line, then a battle begins. Social media does not have to be that way. That's why No Unsocial Media exists. No Unsocial Media is a politics and hate-free zone. If you are tired of unsocial media, and if you want to have a positive social media experience, you are at the right place. A positive social media experience is just a click away.
The unexpected side effect of our Arabian adventures was that I achieved escape velocity. Without even trying and without knowing what was happening, I no longer felt the pull of cultural gravity. I achieved escape velocity, I was free, and I made my life into what I wanted it to be. I was now a citizen of the world, and cultures were something to be experienced and enjoyed, but not something that controlled my existence.
The Programmer's Manual for Your Mind contains the tools you need to reprogram your mind with a Positive Operating System. It's your personal mental tool kit that shows you how to change the way you think and feel.
Your life is forged in the fire of expectations. It does not matter whether your expectations are positive or negative, you still get what you expect. That's why your expectations must be positive.
The Owner's Manual for Your Mind contains thirty-one Change Principles that empower you to make a life. When you make a living, you focus on survival. When you make a life, you focus on your dreams. Never become so busy making a living that you ignore making a life.
God is love and works by love, and by nothing else than love. The power and presence of God in the world is love. Every time you see love, you see God's hand at work. Every time you feel love, you experience God's presence and power. Today is a good day to learn the Facts Of Love.
The most powerful force in the universe is God's love. The most important fact in the universe is that God loves and accepts you the way you are, but He loves you too much to let you stay that way. God loves you from the top of your head to the tip of your toes, and it doesn't get any better than that. There is no limit to how good your life can become when your heart and mind are full of God's love. Learn more about God's love by reading Real Power: Maxing Out on God's Love.
Dr. Dave has more than 200 positive podcasts that fill your mind with positive things. You can also listen to Dr. Dave's positive podcasts on iTunes - Maximum Strength Positive Thinking.
You have a lot of things to discuss with your mind, and Maximum Strength Positive Thinking tells you what you should be talking about. You don't need to spend years searching for empowering ideas that make it possible to live your dreams. It's already right here in a self-talk format.
Everyone gets afraid, but not everyone lets fear control their destiny. Your job is to feel the fear, and do it anyway. If you never feel the icy grip of fear in your life, you probably are not living your dreams. Doers of Dreams have a familiarity with fear that the Life Long Disoriented never know. You will never make your dreams come true unless you learn how to deal with fear in a constructive manner. Today is a good day to send fear packing..
Zero Tolerance To Negative Thinking is a depression fighting handbook that shows you how to stop doing depression, and how to create a positive brain. It's not enough to just stop being negative. You also must develop a positive mind. Learn eight steps you can take to eradicate depression from your life.
The war for a positive mind is fought on the battle field of focus. If you want to win the battle against depression, you must control the focus of your mind.
Your emotional mind is an eternal skeptic and must be shown the truth many times before it will believe. Affirmations do more than change the way you think. They also change the way you feel.
Social media has become unsocial. It has degenerated into a truth optional war zone in which people take sides. They draw lines in the sand, and if you are on the wrong side of their line, then a battle begins.
Social media does not have to be that way. That's why Positive Social Media exists. It's a politics and hate-free zone. If you are tired of unsocial media, and if you want to have a positive social media experience, you are at the right place. A positive social media experience is just a click away.
Positive Thinking University has something for everyone. If you are interested in adventure, you can visit Sailing Uni and Overland Uni. If you want to win the battle against depression, then Depression Uni is for you. Self Talk Uni gets you started on a program of positive self-talk to change what you say when you talk to your mind. If you want to explore the world of self help, then Self Help Uni is a good start. If your interest is positive spirituality, visit Positive Christian Uni.
Shed your limiting beliefs by listening to Positive Podcasts from Dr. Dave. This is a small sample of free Podcasts that have changed the lives of thousands of people around the world. Have a listen. It just might change your life.
If you like what you read on The Positive Channel, you will love Dr. Dave's books. Some people download Dr. Dave's books to their smartphones and Kindles to have these powerful positive books with them at all times.